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Beste Skischule in Mayrhofen?

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Bist du auf der Suche nach Bewertungen für die beste Skischule in Mayrhofen? Einem “Geheimtipp” beziehungsweise, einem Anbieter, der deinen Vorstellungen und Ansprüchen entspricht? Gerne haben wir für dich ein paar unserer Kunden Feedbacks eingefangen. Deine Skischule Habeler.

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Es gibt mittlerweile eine Vielzahl an Kanälen, in denen man sein Feedback hinterlassen kann. Wir haben uns darum bemüht die Bewertungen zu unserer Skischule in Mayrhofen zusammenzufassen, so dass du dich nicht durch den ganzen Jungel klicken musst.

Ein paar Mails mit Feedback unserer Kunden

Wir hatten letzte Woche 2 Tage Ski Unterricht, einmal von Hetty und einmal von Kevin! Sie haben uns beiden sehr viel gelernt. Nächstes Jahr werden wir bestimmt wieder Privatunterricht buchen bei euch!!
Astrid (Ski Privatunterricht; 4. März 2020)

Ich habe mich total gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Ich könnte garnicht genau sagen was ich verbessern wollte. Am Ende der Stunden hatte ich einige gute Tipps bekommen und die auch gut in die Tat umsetzten können. Es wurde sehr verständlich erklärt was man machen soll. Tolle lustige Übungen erleichterten das Merken der “Haltungsregeln”. Ich fande es klasse und kann nur jedem empfehlen sich das zu gönnen…Es bringt bestimmt jedem was.” Sandra (Ski Privatunterricht, 27. Februar 2020)

Super super super! Nur zu empfehlen! Go Chris , Go Mickael.”
Hendrik (Ski Privatunterricht, 14. Februar 2020)

“So etwas Nettes habe ich ja noch nie erlebt! 🙂 Schon die Online-Registrierung lief schmerzfrei und völlig unproblematisch. Ich hatte Ski-Privatunterricht und die Betreuung war optimal. Nach zwei Tagen a zwei Stunden kam ich schon recht sicher die Pisten runter. Jeder, der in Mayrhofen eine Skischule sucht, sollte dorthin gehen!
Es ist die Beste Skischule in Mayrhofen.”
Max (Ski Privatunterricht)

Hier ist Maike, der 09-11 und 13-15Uhr Termin von letzter Woche Samstag. Ich wollte mich nur noch einmal bedanken und Feedback hinterlassen. Erstens und vor allem hat es mir grossen Spass gemacht, bei euch das Skifahren zu lernen. Zweitens habe ich wirklich etwas gelernt – nicht nur Technik, sondern auch Selbstvertrauen am Berg. Hoffentlich schaffe ich es nächste Saison wieder zu euch. Der Parallelschwung ist noch nicht ganz ausgereift – aber ein paar Saisons habe ich in meinem Leben wohl noch, um das hinzubekommen. 🙂  Herzlichst aus der Schweiz,” Maike

Sehr kompetent, der Privatkurs in der Skischule Habeler hat mir sehr geholfen, einige Fehler zu korrigieren, die sich im Laufe der Zeit eingestellt haben. Grosses Lob an die Skilehrerin Lenka.”
Peter (Ski Privatunterricht, 6. März 2019)

Bewertungen Skischule Mayrhofen Habeler auf Facebook

Hier findest du unser TripAdvisor Feedback.

Excellent school for kids, flexible to accommodate requests, well trained instructors , made our beginner experience a wonderful one.

Gergana Manova Avatar Gergana Manova

Ich habe zweimal zwei Privatstunden genommen und war mit dem freundlichen und hilfsbereiten E-Mail-Kontakt im Vorfeld sehr zufrieden. Adrik war ein sehr freundlicher und engagierter Lehrer, der sich viel Mühe gegeben hat. Auch wenn ich nicht die erhofften Fortschritte gemacht habe, lag das wahrscheinlich an meiner eigenen Unsicherheit, den vollen Pisten und der sprachlichen Mischung aus Englisch und Deutsch („Denglisch“). Dennoch war es eine wertvolle Erfahrung.

Judith Frensemeier Avatar Judith Frensemeier

What a wonderful ski school! We felt incredibly well looked after from our first email exchanges to getting on the slopes! The team provided great instructors for our children who were beginners and also for us, also beginners! In 3 days we saw great progress and an increase in confidence and ability! The team were polite, friendly and experienced, we would highly recommend! Chris was fab, super friendly, provided a great service and offered wonderful advice and tips each day! Thank you for making our trip so easy and fun!

Rachel Lambert Avatar Rachel Lambert

We had an amazing experience with Chris and his team. My daughter and her friend ( 8 & 9 years old) came there after their first 4 days of skiing , and they loved the instructor and said they learned so much from him. They had a great time , and they can’t wait to come again. I highly recommend to go there for ski lessons.

Jonathan Paperthin Avatar Jonathan Paperthin

Deze skischool is een absolute aanrader! Als beginnende skiërs reserveerden we 4x 2u privéles. We kregen les van Sven. Telkens polste hij of we ons comfortabel voelden om de volgende oefening / piste te proberen, maar hij besteedde ook veel aandacht aan individuele verbeteringen en focus punten. De eigenaar checkte ook af en toe hoe de lessen verliepen. De laatste dag was de leraar ziek, maar was er vervanging voorzien door een andere Nederlandstalige leraar die volledig gebriefd was over ons niveau en de aandachtspunten. Top!!

Joris VdB Avatar Joris VdB

Sehr familiäre Ski Schule

Lasse Daene Avatar Lasse Daene

The instructors are very nice and professional. We did a great progress with them. Thank you

מנחם בלוך Avatar מנחם בלוך

Wir waren jetzt das 3. Jahr in Folge bei der Skischule Habeler. Super nette Betreuung durch Chris und sein Team. Lenny hat den Skiunterricht für unsere beiden Jungs (7&4) so toll gemacht. Sie hatten viel Spaß und haben viel gelernt. Wir freuen uns alle schon jetzt aufs nächste Jahr. Die Messerschmidts

Daniela Messerschmidt Avatar Daniela Messerschmidt

Jill was amazing! We took 2 hours of private lessons to refresh our knowledge and technique! I highly recommend this school and amazing people working there! Great tips and they give discount at the reception for ski rental! 10/10! Kelly & Ben

Kronos Avatar Kronos

Supertolle Skischule! Total unkompliziert von der Buchung, bis zum Treffpunkt und schließlich zum Kurs. Chris is super sympathisch, empfängt einen wirklich herzlich und gibt einem wertvolle Tipps auch zum Equipment. Unseren Kurs hat dann Justus übernommen, auch er sehr sympathisch, kompetent und locker drauf. Hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht!

Jacqueline Rexer Avatar Jacqueline Rexer

We had an amazing 5 days of private lessons with Habeler team. We enjoyed our lessons with Lenny very much! He made us feel comfortable, encouraged us and helped us improve with each lesson. He was super kind but also rough when needed and helped us not just to learn how to ski but to enjoy doing it. We also really appreciated the team flexibility with the lessons timing and the overall communication. We definitely recommend!

Linoy Cohen Avatar Linoy Cohen

The best ski school in Mayrhofen!

Ece Scheuss Avatar Ece Scheuss

Mein Mann und ich hatten zwei Vormittage Skiunterricht gebucht um unsere Technik zu verfeinern. Schon der Empfang an der Hütte war super herzlich und freundlich. Fiene, die uns die nächsten 2 Vormittage unterrichtet hat, war einfach super. Sie hat direkt gefragt was unsere Erwartungen sind und ist darauf eingegangen. Mein Mann und ich haben an den zwei Vormittagen viel mitgenommen, so dass ich mich dann auch zwei Tage später bei guten Bedingungen auf die Harakiri getraut habe und sie kontrolliert und angstfrei runtergekommen bin 💪 Ich kann diese Skischule nur weiterempfehlen.

Lena Haupt Avatar Lena Haupt

Lieber Chris, Lieber Yannick Ich habe einen klasse Einstieg in das Skifahren bei der Skischule Habeler gehabt. Von Anfang an habe ich mich bei euch gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Mein Skilehrer Yannick hat alles sehr gut erklärt, es wurde geschaut ob die Ausrüstung passt, und auch ob die Skischuhe richtig geschlossen sind. Ich habe sehr viele Hilfreiche Tipps bekommen und auch die Übungen wurden gut erklärt. Nach den zwei Tage a. zwei Stunden konnte ich relativ sicher die Pisten hinunter fahren. Vielen Dank Euch dafür.

Christian Avatar Christian

Ich hatte eine Doppelstunde bei Chris, nachdem ich 25 Jahre lang nicht mehr auf Skiern stand. Er hat mich genau da abgeholt, wo ich Unterstützung brauchte und mich in knapp zwei Stunden und unter schwierigen Bedingungen (schlechte Sicht, Neuschnee, viele Buckel) zurück auf anspruchsvolle rote Pisten gebracht. Chris war super nett und ich hatte viel Spaß! Danke dafür..

Ulli Keil Avatar Ulli Keil

Chris is FANTASTIC. Could not fault the service from start to finish. Such a lovely, friendly and helpful team of staff. Julia was BRILLIANT and the children loved her. Would 100% recommend Ski School Habeler

Sasha Thorbek Avatar Sasha Thorbek

Besser geht es nicht! Lieber Chris, unsere Enkelkinder haben durch Dich und Deine Mitarbeiter Thijs und Yannick einen phantatischen Einstieg ins Skilaufen erhalten. Alle sind angefixt und haben richtig Freude und Selbstbewusstsein getankt. Es hätte nicht besser laufen können. Genau das fürsorgliche Betreuen der Anfänger hat die Kleinen und die Mutter begeistert. WIr hatten ausserdem ein herausragendes Einzeltraining mit Sven, der uns genau da abgeholt hat, wo wir waren und uns in 2 Stunden sehr viel weiter gebracht hat. Bitte richte unsere Grüße an ihn. Wir waren auch mit der Beratung durch dich sehr gut aufgestellt, das nächste Mal versuchen wir die Kinder bis 9.00 Uhr auf die Bretter zu bekommen, dann gibt es hinterher mehr Spielraum. Bis bald Sebastian

Sebastian Munos Avatar Sebastian Munos

It was my first time experience with skis and it was just perfect. I also have fear of heights so it was extremly challenging for me but with great and exceptional support of my coach - Jan - i was able to go on a blue slope. The learning process was done step by step , aligned to my skills and everything was done in a super friendly atmosphere. Thank you for Jan and warm welcome by Chris! Hope to see you again in the future! All the best!

Agata Kluczyńska Avatar Agata Kluczyńska

Amazing school! Both Chris and our instructoe Sven were very friendly and helpful. I tried mountain skiing for the first time, and in just 3 days started to feel confident on the slopes. The teaching is step by step and really helps you to train the correct technique. Huge thank you❤️

Natalia Shestoperova Avatar Natalia Shestoperova

My daughter Rosie had lessons with ski school Habeler during Easter week. She made great progress with the instructors who were very good. Chris and his team are very professional and extremely friendly. I am looking forward to going back and Rosie is looking forward to learning even more from this very good ski school.

Mr Phillips' HistoryZone Avatar Mr Phillips' HistoryZone

I'm 66 , haven't skied for 40 years, and wasn't sure how much I'd remember or be able to do, so opted for a few private lessons. Chris and his instructors taught me so much in a short time, boosted my confidence and I hope to return to Mayrhofen for more. The attention to detail - adjustments to my ski boots to ensure comfort ; instruction - professional, friendly, encouraging, fun, and targeted towards me and what I hoped to gain from it. I highly recommend Habeler Ski School, the team is exceptional. Thanks to you all! Worth every penny!

Penny Thomson Avatar Penny Thomson

positive review  Die Menschen die sich Zeit nehmen

Peter Verlingis Avatar Peter Verlingis

positive review  We booked private lessons for two days. The first day we had a great day on the slopes with Axel. A good teacher with a lot of experience! We missed him the second day, instead we got lessons from another instructor. Unfortunately, she did not seem enthousiastic at all, she barely gave feedback and went too fast on the slopes for me during the private hour on my own. But in general, we think Habeler is quite ok.

Silvy Van Son Avatar Silvy Van Son

positive review  Brilliant ski school. Very organised, very good instructors (we had 3 for our various groups and all were excellent). they all adapted perfectly to our different needs. William was my teacher and he totally analysed my issues and gave me solid strategies to improve and for the first time I was able to move away from plough towards parallel with confidence. Totally recommend this ski school!

Jane Sennett Avatar Jane Sennett

positive review  A huge thank you to the Habeler team - especially Lesley, Chris and Kevin - for our lessons this week and for recommendations on where to try next. Highly recommended if you want to get on and ski. Yours, Nicola and Carolyn.

Nicky Robbins Avatar Nicky Robbins

positive review  Kompetent und sehr freundlich ! Meine Frau über 3 Tage und ich für 2 Stunden waren super zufrieden . Grüße an das ganze Team . Gruß Enrico und Manuela

Enrico Müller Avatar Enrico Müller

positive review  Such a lovely week skiing with Lenka teaching our family of 5, she was excellent and very patient with all of us, thank you Skischule Habeler! The Garty family xx

Jack Garty Avatar Jack Garty

positive review  This was our second season at Mayrhofen, as a family we love it. This year Lily our eldest daughter was very wary of getting back on skis after a bad crash last season. Chris recommended a 1 on 1 session with Jessi who was brilliant. 1 hour later and Lily is zooming down the slopes again with a big smile. Thank you, Nick, for the recommendation. We had a great time over Christmas and will be back next year. Habeler Rocks!

Tony Hood Avatar Tony Hood

positive review  Voor mij was het een droom die uitkwam om mijn eerste ervaring op de ski op te doen. De skischool Habeler heeft mij goed en geduldig op weg geholpen! Van harte aanbevolen.

Marjolein Swaanenburg Avatar Marjolein Swaanenburg

positive review  We can’t thank you enough for teaching our boys last week. All of your staff were patient, knowledgeable and enthusiastic. The small groups and one to one attention they received made the difference to our whole holiday. Chris, Gregory and Björn were fantastic! Highly recommended.

Nicola Parry Avatar Nicola Parry

Ich bin Ski-Neuling und hatte Privatunterricht bei Kai (2x2h) (y) (y) (y) . Als ich von Chris herzlich aufgenommen wurde verflog meine vorhandene Angst im Nu. Es machte Spaß, einen neuen Sport für mich zu entdecken und ich war überrascht, dass ich tatsächlich allein den Berg sicher runterkam =D Dank der Skischule Habeler habe auch ich den Winter als Urlaubsziel für mich entdeckt 😛 Einzigartig, THANKS 🙂

Kerstin Krumbholz Avatar Kerstin Krumbholz

positive review  Leo der Einheimische ein super Lehrer.Ich habe mich sehr gut aufgehoben gefühlt.Was man so in nur 4Stunden lernt.Klasse und DANKE.

Kerstin Bartoszek Avatar Kerstin Bartoszek

Fantastic tuition from Jess, she really made the holiday with her enthusiasm and positive attitude. It had been fun and I didn't expect to learn so much in a relatively short time. Really friendly ski school and I'd thoroughly recommend taking lessons there whatever your level. Thank you for a fantastic week!!

Jo Tucker Avatar Jo Tucker

Vielen Dank an Lesley für die tollen und lehrreichen Skistunden.

Johannes Pommerien Avatar Johannes Pommerien

Danke an Lesley ( super Ski-Lehrerin ) sie hat mir die Angst genommen . Das ganze Team super nett . Nur zu empfehlen ??

Heike Peine-Gurski Avatar Heike Peine-Gurski

positive review  Sehr sympathisch und kompetent!

Nicola Fritze Avatar Nicola Fritze

At ski school Habeler there is much room for personal attention and feedback, which has been crucial for advancing my skiing skills.

Marlinda van der Hoff Avatar Marlinda van der Hoff

Had a fab day with Lenka. Having dislocated my shoulder skiing in Canada a few years back, and eight further dislocations since then, my confidence was low. She took me from a shaky start to feeling quite empowered. Also good company through the day. Thank you.

Sharön Dünn Avatar Sharön Dünn

So I’ve returned to skiing after 33 years, had 5 days of lessons with Duncan at the Habeler ski school... I cannot rate the lessons highly enough, nice small groups, excellent structured friendly teaching, great attitude, constructive individualised feedback, fun, friendly, from a very experienced instructor, a mixture of supported group skiing as well as instruction and exercises to improve technique, skill and ability. I have not only regained my ski legs, but my confidence and ability have improved beyond what I hoped to achieve, I will quite possibly be back for more, when I could quite easily have gone home believing I’d left it too late to get back into skiing... thank you all, Duncan especially, but the whole school, from owner to colleagues, all had a great inclusive, professional attitude ⛷⛷

Jane Woosey Avatar Jane Woosey

positive review  Danke an das Team und an Sina, die mir das Skifahren wirklich näher gebracht hat.

Oliver Weidl Avatar Oliver Weidl

I had a great private lesson today with Neive. I’ve been trying t master my parallel turns for a while now and think I’ve finally cracked it. Thanks Neive for all your patience and great tuition you made it all fit into place �

Jeannette Goodred Avatar Jeannette Goodred

We've had so much fun! Thanks for Ivan who was absolutely awesome?

Shani Zehavi Avatar Shani Zehavi

Ich fühlte mich hier sehr gut aufgehoben! Danke Chris und Ivan!

Heike Gresh Avatar Heike Gresh

Many thanks to Bjorn for teaching me to ski. On the last day we went to Ahorn and was able to go down the Blue runs. I hope to come back next year!

Dianne Tipping Avatar Dianne Tipping

Just finished our 5th day with Bjorn....amazing! Loved every minute. A brilliant ski school to learn with. Patient, encouraging and fun!

Laura Olivia Hill Avatar Laura Olivia Hill

Wonderful friendly instructors. My girls are now amazingly confident in snow thanks to Björn. Ilya and Adrien were really great and patient. Particular praise to Adrien for being kind, professional and caring when I managed to break my leg (not his fault I hasten to add). Best ski school I've come across. We may be back...

Sara Steeles-Yates Avatar Sara Steeles-Yates

positive review  Ein tolles Team, super Unterricht. Wir kommen sicher wieder.

Robert Eisler Avatar Robert Eisler

positive review  Als erfahrener Skifahrer ist es immer interessant was eine Skischule (Lehrer) einem so neues zeigt. Diese Schule ist der Hammer.... Mega coole Lehrer ( Iven) ...geht viel auf Kundenwünsche ein, hat uns echt viele neue Tricks, Tipps gezeigt. Man fühlt sich wie bei besten Freunden⛷Werden wir sicherlich wieder buchen Beste Skischule ever !!!!! Michaela + Sophia Weiss

Stef AN Weiss Avatar Stef AN Weiss

Big thanks to Lawrence, I can now call myself a snowboarder!

Celine Nebig Avatar Celine Nebig

Great vacation at Mayrhofen and the best decision to choose the Ski School Habeler. Great service, perfect organization and a pleasant atmosphere. Thank you Dessy - you are a great instructor.

Anika Beermann Avatar Anika Beermann

positive review  Fantastic ski school - so friendly, patient & helpful. Lesley is definitely the best instructor I've had - very encouraging, pushing you further taking into account everyone's abilities. Thanks Lesley ⛷ Great week, just wish I was there now rather than sat at my desk...

Lorraine Munt Avatar Lorraine Munt

A big thanks to The Bear Bjorn for a fun and enjoyable 5 days ski instruction. This is the most friendly school I've ever experienced. The boss Chris checking in with everyone regularly to ensure everyone is getting what they need. One friend tried skiing and they were happy to accommodate a change to a boarding lesson. A thanks also for helping me find my mislaid iphone. Aine

Aine Fitzsimons Avatar Aine Fitzsimons

Had a fantastic 5 days skischule with Dessy . Learned soo much . Very patient , helpful , confidence giver , friendly person . just what you need when youv never skied before . Everyone is so lovely and helpful . Highly recommend skischule Habeler for your ski lessons . Hope to see you's again xx

Pamela Sloan Avatar Pamela Sloan

The perfect introduction to skiing a couple of old farts could've asked for. Many thanks to the whole team.

Karen Wood Avatar Karen Wood

positive review  Top Skischule, Top Chef, Top. Skihlehrer, knn ich nur jedem empfehlen.

Klaus Woywode Avatar Klaus Woywode

Great ski school. Catered for a timid mum, experienced dad,and adventurous teens. All the instructors were great and really friendly. Laurence was awesome for boarding. Pieter was the best - what a great way to get us skiing better!Thanks all from the McCaw family, NZ

Cathy Chapple Avatar Cathy Chapple

Fantastic ski school with brilliant instructors!!! My son Joshua and partner Samantha had their first ever ski week in Mayrhofen with Chris,Bjorn and the other instructors.We couldn't have asked for a better experience! They loved all of it all week and came away elated plus wanting more! As a qualified BASI ski instructor in a previous life in the British Army myself I watched my families progress and felt absolutely right that we were in the right hands with Habeler amongst many schools in Mayrhofen! We'll done everyone who helped us and thanks to Chris &bjorn for the reassurance and knowing that while I skied around the hills that my family were having fun,learning and being kept safe!!!! It would definitely be a privilege to work for this ski school if I get the chance to move my family to Mayrhofen at some point in the future!!!! until then,much gratitude!!!

Robert Matthew Mitchell Avatar Robert Matthew Mitchell

An exceptionally brilliant experience. My first week on ski's on snow, and this school was perfect for me. My instructor Bjorn was patient, positive, encouraging, and everything you would want from a consummate and skilled professional imparting knowledge and information and helping one to learn a new skill. His ability to explain what I needed to do, to help me, to show and instruct so well has seen me progress from nursery slope to Red Run in 5 days. It;s hard work, lessons every day and practice every afternoon, but so much fun to learn and such an achievement.. I was DREADING doing this. And now I can ski, calmly, confidently, and most importantly, safely. It has been so much fun now. I cannot recommend the school highly enough. To be clear. I am 42. I do no activities, I consider myself unfit, and have not been on ski's on snow before. This has been an exceptionally brilliant experience, and while Mayrhofen is beautiful, my time here has been amazing thanks to Bjorn my instructor at Skischul Habeler and Chris and his team.

James Bacon Avatar James Bacon

In preparation for our first ever skiing adventure I emailed almost every ski school in the Zillertal area. Everyone who responded provided little information or guidance except for Chris and Maria! Their emails were detailed, to the point, very helpful and the most important point, their response time was very quick. On the day Chris greeted me like an old friend and introduced us to our instructors (Misha & Ivan). Chris also checked in with me over the couple of days making sure everything was OK. Misha and Ivan were great instructors and were extremely knowledgable and supportive. This is a great ski school in a great location and would highly recommend it to anyone who is skiing for the first time or needs to refine their skills. Hoping one day I will be back in Mayrhofen!

Owen Korn Avatar Owen Korn

star rating  We came as a large group of various abilities and the team here were able accommodate us accordingly.
Even when we wanted to move someone from one group... read more

avatar thumb Wilbur

star rating  Thank you to Chris, Maria and the team for giving our daughters (14 and 16) such a fantastic first experience of skiing! A particular thanks for their understanding and flexibility... read more

avatar thumb Kate B

star rating  We had 6 days of 2 hours each moring from 9 in the morning. Best time when the slops are empty. The instructor Ilja was very senstive to our needs... read more

Avi P

star rating  We were very happy with everything. Quick response on our e-mails, and great lessons for our kids. Managed to give us a teacher who spoke swedish, super! Thank you Ludvig... read more


star rating  I can definitely recommend this Skischule. Very kind people and excellent communication. There were some problems with my trip and they were very helpful in seeking a solution.


star rating  I can definitely recommend this Skischule. Very kind people and excellent communication. There were some problems with my trip and they were very helpful in seeking a solution.

avatar thumb

star rating  I can definitely recommend this Skischule. Very kind people and excellent communication. There were some problems with my trip and they were very helpful in seeking a

avatar thumb Marit de Vos

star rating  We had brilliant lessons with Ski School Habeler. We split our family group by ability so I had lessons on my own. William was a brilliant teacher and really showed... read more

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star rating  We had brilliant lessons with Ski School Habeler. We split our family group by ability so I had lessons on my own. William was a brilliant teacher and really showed... read more

avatar thumb Jane S

star rating  We had brilliant lessons with Ski School Habeler. We split our family group by ability so I had lessons on my own. William was a brilliant teacher and really showed... read more


star rating  We as a family of four have just had three private lessons with Luca.. she was so kind and patient with all of us who are different abilities. In particular... read more


star rating  We as a family of four have just had three private lessons with Luca.. she was so kind and patient with all of us who are different abilities. In particular... read more

avatar thumb

star rating  We as a family of four have just had three private lessons with Luca.. she was so kind and patient with all of us who are different abilities. In particular... read more

avatar thumb EllieR

star rating  Was feeling a bit wobbly as I had badly fitted boots in the uk. Jessi managed to point me in the right direction and pin point my problem with my... read more


star rating  Was feeling a bit wobbly as I had badly fitted boots in the uk. Jessi managed to point me in the right direction and pin point my problem with my... read more

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star rating  My friend and I have been skiing for a long time, intermediate level but each year losing a bit of ability and confidence. We wanted a refresher, a few things... read more

Stuart S

star rating  My friend and I have been skiing for a long time, intermediate level but each year losing a bit of ability and confidence. We wanted a refresher, a few things... read more

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star rating  I am just back from skiing in Mayrhofen and had a two hour private lesson from this school . I have been skiing for years and am now of... read more

Tom D

star rating  I am just back from skiing in Mayrhofen and had a two hour private lesson from this school . I have been skiing for years and am now of... read more

avatar thumb

star rating  If you are in Mayrhofen and thinking about some ski lessons then you must use Skischule Habeler and book your lessons with Jessi! Chris the owner of the school is... read more


star rating  If you are in Mayrhofen and thinking about some ski lessons then you must use Skischule Habeler and book your lessons with Jessi! Chris the owner of the school is... read more

avatar thumb

star rating  My partner and I arranged for some group lessons through Inghams to refresh and improve our skiing. These were lead by the lovely Jessi who was not only an excellent... read more


star rating  My partner and I arranged for some group lessons through Inghams to refresh and improve our skiing. These were lead by the lovely Jessi who was not only an excellent... read more

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star rating  If you are looking for top class instructors , and I have been with 2 prior to this over the years, I suggest no other.

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Öffnungszeiten Büro Mayrhofen

Sonntag 08:00 - 11.30
und 15:30 - 18:00 Uhr

Samstag: 09:00 - 11:30
und 13:00 - 19:00 Uhr

Montag bis Freitag: 08.00 bis 11.30
und 15.30 bis 18.00 Uhr

© 2025 Skischule Habeler. All rights reserved.